How would I know if my question is submitted on quiz party?

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Score: +3

1. GeorgeWu,

Hi, I was wondering, I submitted a couple questions, how would I know if my question is out to everyone? thanks

Score: +2

2. Vojvoda,

There is no actual way to see if the question has been added unless you see it while playing or, if the validator informs you. Of course that would be time consuming for him to tell everyone whose questions have been accepted.
I see a lot of people being interested in whether their questions got accepted or not. Personally it never bothered me, I used just to send them and I am fine either way, if not accepted it is either not good enough or the question already exists. But what I think would be a nice implementation is adding number of accepted questions on the statistics page of every user. Maybe that could even have influence on social score?

Score: +3

3. YNWA,

As it has already been said it is not realistic to telll everybody what questions have been validated and which have not or what the issues have been with those questions that have been rejected or accepted. Even most of the questions that have been validated have had issues from minor issues to major issues that have taken a lot of time to sort out as people insist on writing their own questions instead of finding some on the net. As I have always said quality is better than quantity, what is the point in sending 20 questions if only 2 are really good. Remember other people are waiting for questions too. I look for quiz questions and not specialist questions that relate to the sender's hobby as not everybody shares the same interest. Sometimes the questions that are sent in a bunch can be about the same kind of thing.

Another big issue is people put minimal info on their question and expect you to guess the rest and put it right instead of taking their time and do it properly. Just because you know what your question is about doesn't mean everybody else will. Think about this, if you read your question to a group of people would they understand what you said...? What would they think of your question that you have asked them?

I have never been a fan of having a list of the top 20/30 people who have sent in the most questions, I would just have a page in the PR thanking those who have contributed and their usernames. If you have sent in 1 or 1,000 questions you are all important and that is the same for those who play it. Having up to 30 players monitor you is bad enough nevermind extending it to everybody. You should send in questions because you have a good question and not because it will improve your social score. Would there be extra pressure on validators because they damage someone's social score if they reject a question?

Score: +1

Dernière édition par YNWA, 22.09.2022 11:27

4. GeorgeWu,

Thanks for letting me know. And sorry for an off topic question, but who is the admin of playroom?

Score: +0

5. Nikola,

you can always find all members of the Playroom staff and what they do at

Score: +3

6. GeorgeWu,


Score: +1

7. Amil ,

I really prefer a slightly absurd or funny questions than this questions that are validated. Today's questions are very boring, and most of the time, random answers. Even in the spanish playroom, the questions are more fun.

Score: -2

Dernière édition par Amil , 16.12.2022 14:51

8. YNWA,

Your post has nothing to do with the original topic so you should have made a new one.

Factually there are a small amount of quiz questions that are funny. A couple of what happened next in sport for example. The issue is what is funny to one person is not funny to another. I know there are differences in British and American humour, that would be the same for different nations. As a test I sent a PM once to a friend with a very funny question who has in my opinion very good English but they did not get the funny part.

I have never played the Spanish Quiz party so have no idea what it is like there. You should have translated a few examples so I know what you are talking about. If you are Spanish then my question would be do non native Spanish people understand the jokes? What is the situation with French, Italian and Portuguese Quiz parties?

What is most important that there are good questions, if some are funny then ok but we are not the Comedy club!

Score: +1

9. Amil ,

I don't want funny questions. No. I only want questions that everyone can answer, because most questions if you are not from that country, nobody can answer correctly. You're right on a lot of points really, but it shouldn't be asking so many questions about specific countries. And I said this here because if some questions are not validated, it will be maybe because they are not good questions.

Score: +0

10. YNWA,

When I looked at statistics in a further post then the percentage of correct answers were not as great between the languages as one may think. there is no perfect solution that you or anybody can come up with where everybody is happy. Do you seriously think many of the questions that are sent in for validation are even close to the minimum level to what they should be? I just do the best with what we have, trying to make the best of things for everybody.

There were some questions that looked good on the surface but when I googled them I found them not to be true and that is becoming a bigger issue. People also send in questions that we have already covered or categories where we are over subscribed and of course if I add more of those you would have someone grumble about that.

Score: +0

11. Vojvoda,

Although I am really not a fan of some categories in the english quiz party, for example history has way too many question about dates, I am not really sure how are you going to make sufficient amount of question for an english speaking platform where you have people from all over the world. Personally I find most of the questions easy, unless if it is not about cricket, horse racing, etc. Nature and anatomy, geography and politics, cinema and few others are decent.
It may seem like an easy task to create good questions that are fun and equally difficult or easy for everyone to answer but it's far from it. Just take your time and try to create 15 good questions and tell me how much time did it take. I also don't play quiz party often but that's just because I don't think english is suitable enough for this type of quiz, I am talking about english as server on here, with all the respect to all countries but I don't think anyone is able to know what actor from rwanda played in a tunisian movie. Note please that this example was random, with first two countries that came to my mind.
It is impossible to find a perfect solution for the english part, perhaps the best would have been to focus on American and british culture, as unfair as it may seem but that's just my personal opinion that in practice I believe would work out the best.

Score: +1

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