Unknown Albanian traditional song

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Score: -2

1. Emrah20,

People, I need Your help. I need special help from Albanians. You can find more on this link. I am looking for one song. I know, It is Albanian. I've heard It in one albanian radio.
Thank You.

Score: -1

2. Negar,

Well, I don't know the song but; I can offer something else Hopefully this would help.

Score: -1

3. Emrah20,

Thank You. I know some albanian lyrics, but ofcourse maybe I've remembered It badly, so I don't want to sing It here. But if You know someone who can speak Albanian, maybe We can find this song together.
Also, Shazam isn't good to find songs by this way. It is just recording of me, because I haven't this original song. It was many years a go, when I have firstly listened this song.

Score: -1

4. SheWolf,

I have an idea. If you have heard it in radio, you might try using shazam. It is android app which recognizes song when it listens it. Just keep guard on and leave mobile next to your hand.

Score: +0

5. afrim,

Hi there, can you give me some more info as to who played the piano version you provided on the link so that I can perhaps look a bit more into it. I have an idea as I'm Albanian myself, but it would be interesting to know where you got the piano version from.

Score: +0

6. Marina,

He played the song himself on the keyboard long time ago but now he does not remember the name of the song anymore or how to find it. So basically this is the melody he remembers, and he's asking if any Albanian person can recognize it based on this melody. He meant to say that he came across it when he heard it on the Radio years ago if I am not mistaken, so shazem wouldn't work here.

Score: +0

7. Emrah20,

No. I've played this song on My keyboard, when I have created this topic. But long time a go I've heard this song, I've lost original recording somewhere on computer, which doesn't work.

Score: +0

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