Playroom tables list discovery

36 messages, 2 pages:  12 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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31. Vojvoda ,

OK, I think it is time to explain why I wrote all this shit here. I had a goal to show to some people how unpolite it is to go off topic and stuff, wait unpolite does that word exist? Who cares aniways. I hope they saw how retarded it is, some of you will tell me that was not the good way. Well, Let's see if that was or was not, at least I tryed to. This should be my last answer on this topic here unless someone frustrates me that much that I want to answer again. Thank you all for answering on my nonsense shit and making me to look serious. However this function is of course nice and should be never removed.

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32. Paddy_Irishman,

as stated above this is not just with free tables. i think this feature is there on purpose, however, where you press right arrow to display more. i think it might be there to give people an idea of who is at a table? this may sound like a ridiculous theory, but that's all it is, a theory. It's the same way with statuses and the like, and also inbox and forum messages. displays the first few words, and then if you decide to read on, read on. i don't exactly know why it is there, but maybe there is a purpose for it.

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33. spaceship,

exactly what i think from the time i discovered it, helleon.

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34. Nikola-Jovic ,

Just a slight correction, statuses do not display just a few woesa, they are completelly visible. It's a few words just for jaws users, and there's a setting you need to change in jfw for that.

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35. BlueTardisz,

Are you talking about the errors when you are in an empty menu list and press control right or left arrow and the client crash? They should fix that lol Although it' handy sometimes. :D

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36. Nikola-Jovic ,

No, just read the first message. Those errors are already gone in 2.2.5

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36 messages, 2 pages:  12 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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