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1. The-white-dove,

Greetings all!

We are delighted to announce that the Cribbage Tournament has concluded yesterday evening and of course we have a champion! But before letting you know who is that lucky player, I would like to write a few words about how the tournament went on.

It was a two day competition, and if we don't take into account a couple of tense moments for us organizers, everything went quite well.

One of the issues we had to encounter is quite common for all tournaments and that is not a surprise anymore. not all subscribed players turn up to play. The only problem with that is that it is impossible to know how many they will be. We had 6 absentees, but we managed to replace them so fortunately that problem was solved as well.

The last unexpected thing that happened was a bug at the end of a match, when Angelina-princess marked 19 points but they were not added up to her previous score. We were about to disqualify her, but she grabbed our attention saying there is something wrong with the score. We checked the game transcript and found out she is correct, so she went through to the semi final!

We had some very interesting matches and a few of the players told me after the tournament that they really enjoyed playing. For me as an organizer that's the most important, because the aim of tournaments in playroom is to enjoy games and have fun together. So, if players enjoyed it then we can say we have truly reached our goal!

The players that made it to the final are:
Chipss, Furki, Mohammed.albasha, Sunny, Tehseen, Tiny.

It was a very good game where all the players did their best and played well, but it seems that the lady luck chose as her favorite another lady and sat beside her through all the game, as she was getting a lot of points almost every round, and finished the game with the score of 266 points!

So we would like to congratulate this lady now, known in Playroom as Chipss, for becoming the Cribbage Tournament champion!

You played very well so congratulations again and thank you for taking part in this competition. If I am correct, this is the second tournament in a row that you finished as a champion, the first being the Team Spades Tournament, so keep it up!

The second place is taken by Furki, which finished the game with the score of 218 points. She won 2 matches, the first match and the semi final. Very well played, congratulations for you as well and thanks for taking part in this competition!

Mohammed.albasha got the third place, having 212 points. He entered the competition as a replacement and made it to the final. nice job, congratulations and thank you for playing!

At the end we would like to thank all the players that turned up to play. For some of you the time was very late, and instead of having a good sleep you chose to come to Playroom just to take part in this competition.

Many thanks as well to those who was on standby list and entered the tournament as replacements, and to those who stepped in at the last minute.

Thanks a lot to YNWA and Sunny, who took part in the tournament as players, but helped with hosting the tables as well. They were always around and ready to help when needed.

Without all of you, players and helpers, this tournament wouldn't have took place. So once again thank you very much and, if you liked this one, welcome to subscribe in future, if we decide to host any new tournament!

Alesia and Snowflake

Score: +0

Dernière édition par The-white-dove, 15.05.2017 19:20

2. Epic_Krrish,

Huge congratulations to the winner. Just want to give my thoughts here about players marking wrongly, that is either meanfully or mistakely. The table which I was on one of the player marked 67 points instead of 4 points so you see there were 63 points gifted to all. This gave advantage to those who were in the lead. 63 points would have went on for another 3 rounds. So what happened was that by the time it was my crib it was all over before Even I could mark the points. So the top 3 players made it through. Well This is not a big issue for those who ever went through but my point here is to have special rules in place for that kind of situations. The best would be to restart to give fare chances to all the participants.

Just food for thoughts.

Kind regards.


Score: +0

3. YNWA,

Yess well done to everybody with the tournament, Participants, and organisers.
In this case Angelina would have clearly have won the game had it not been for the bug so as you can see both cases are different. Someone could mark down points on purpose but that would be difficult to prove. If it is done genuinely by accident then I guess it would depend on the state of the game. You could argue rules are rules so that is just life and you get on with it. If you want to see the game played in a good sporting mannor then the other players could agree to replay the game. I certainly do have sympathy for you or anybody in that situation as it is not nice for the game to finnish like that.

Score: +0

4. Angelina-princess,

Congratulations to the winner & also well done everybody especial with appreciating the hard work of organisers team.
I was really enjoy with this tournament. Even though I got a bug as Snowflake had mentioned but still glad cause the organisers had checked & agreed with me. Then I had gone to the semi-final. With a bit bad luck but another players were also well play.
Once again, thank you for all & congratulations!

Score: +0

5. sunny,

The tournament was very well organized by Snowflake and Alesia. I'm glad I took part in it.

Score: +0

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