time zone and number format

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1. TwinkleRose,

Can someone please explain to me how to find the Eastern time, U.S. Canada time zone? It doesn't seem to be there. All I find is America with a bunch of other countries listed and it confuses me. Also how does the number format work? I thought it meant 12 or 24 hour but it's confusing. Please explain.

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2. Nikola,

Hello, the number format is not for the time, but rather for the numbers displayed and their decimal spacing. For example, whether 12345 will be displayed as 12,345, 12.345, 12 345 and so on. For blind users this doesn't often matter much, but some formats are better spoken depending on the synthesizer used. For the time zone, someone more familiar with that location will help better. The time is always displayed in the 24 hour format, and the only thing you can change is how the dates will be displayed, for example instead of DD/MM/yyyy have it displayed as mm/dd/yyyy, or with an example, having today's date be displayed either as 12.08.2020 or 08.12.2020, as well as a few other formats to choose whether it will be with a slash or a dot, or to be proceeded by the year first.

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