Sounds periodically not playing on the Windows client

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счёт: +3

1. Nikola,

occasionally, especially after I just open the client, some sounds do not play. For example, today, a sound didn't play at all when I joined the table.
When this happens, the following is written in the debug file:

libzip zip_open_file error file=sounds/connect.ogg, index=32, error=27,

any ideas what causes this?

счёт: +1

2. Aminiel,


Do you observe that only with that particular sound ? Or does it occurs with several ones ?

When it occurs, is it the case for all following sounds, or just once ? Do that particular sound works again a moment later, or do you need to close the client in order to have it working again ?
Just to be sure: you haven't modified any of the sounds ?

счёт: +2

Последнее изменение Aminiel, 23.11.2022 17:15:47

3. Nikola,


Do you observe that only with that particular sound ? Or does it occurs with several ones ?

This seems to happen usually only with one sound at a time. However, it isn't specific to this particular sound, the last time I encountered this bug it was with the sound for friends entering the Playroom. This bug doesn't happen for me very often though, maybe once in 2 or 3 weeks, so I don't have an easy way to reproduce it.

When it occurs, is it the case for all following sounds, or just once ? Do that particular sound works again a moment later, or do you need to close the client in order to have it working again ?

When it happens, this particular sound doesn't work at all until the client is restarted. Other sounds work normally though.

Just to be sure: you haven't modified any of the sounds ?

On this laptop, yes, 2 sounds are changed, but I have encountered this bug on my second laptop too, and this one uses the default sounds unchanged. In fact, it is on this second laptop that I have encountered this bug for the first time, this time the affected sound was the one for closing a menu, so the affected sound seems to be totally random. I have however just returned to default sounds on the first laptop as well and will see if I encounter this bug again, but as said, it may take a while.

Edit: confirming with default sounds as well, today with the menu open sound.
libzip zip_open_file error file=sounds/menuopen.ogg, index=80, error=27,

счёт: +2

Последнее изменение Nikola, 23.11.2022 17:48:00

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