Editing a topic is now broken (~LabelSolved~)

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1. Nikola,

unfortunately, the website seems to be in a really bad mood these days...

I guess this happened with the introduction of the forum labels, but editing a topic is now completely broken for me.
If I want to change its subject, or make a poll/edit an existing one, I get an error 500 again.

It would be appreciated if this can be fixed before the next Sunday, since we're supposed to run our monthly tournament poll.
Fortunately, creating a new topic and a poll in there works fine, so in the worst case this will be the workaround.


счёт: +1

2. Aminiel,


I can't reproduce the issue myself. Can you try again now ? I added more error logging.
Thank you.

счёт: +1

3. Nikola,

I just reproduced the issue at this moment, trying to edit exactly the subject of this topic.

I got exactly the same error 500, but by more logging I guess you mean internally, so I hope it will help you.

счёт: +1

4. Aminiel,


Yes, thank you.
You can try one more time. I think it should work now.

счёт: +2

5. Nikola,

Thank you, works without any problems now

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