A free table tournament

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31. fire-starter,

count me in

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32. Exink,

No, it'd be better if the maximum number of players should be equal to the whole english playroom multiplied by -0,000135, so there's more chance for the other players can enter here! Fortunately I shall be able to stay in October 41, or this November 31, whenever! After all I am just going to speak to my plants by three seconds, and the dog will be watered by a little bit of lemon soda, but please don't make it in October 42, I mean in November -12, because I think there'll be a gray moon and I don't want to miss it! :).

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33. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Yes, october 42nd is also bad for me, cause then i have the world cup of jaws crashing and drinking...

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34. Cristina ,

hahahahaa guy! This is really funny. I am looking forward already for that tournament. For me it will be ok any date what the organizer will decide. And I still wonder if the cheating will be stopped? I am asking only cause i would like to win this tournament. Lmaoooo!

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35. LaraStardust,

october 42nd not good for me either.
planning a secret invasion of earth that day. Wait, id I say that out loud? my bad

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36. dementress ,

could you change it to 59th? fecklember please? maybe in fecklember everyone is up to the tournament. :p

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37. Cristina ,

Ah, i forgot to say. I am so saaaad... If there will be more free tables for runing better the tournament, then I can not enter on pr with my thosand accounts for joining all those tables and to win all of you. Sad smile and a very big laughing

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38. abdullah.mohammad,

cownt me in colleague :D

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39. LaraStardust,

good news!
the earth invasion on the 42nd is off, so I could make it then

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40. BhavyaShah ,

Let us set the world record for the maximum players in a Free Table!

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41. policeman1,

Well you forgot my calendar only showing 30th and 31th what the hell, please make to the leap year!.

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42. basket,

Not to mention your busy schedule of making arrests, car chases, and saving the occasional damsel in distress. Police? :d

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43. LaraStardust,

ah. we have a problem.
my hyperspace drive has died. and thus unless the tornament is moved to the fourty thirst of noctonary then I will be unable to attend.
this would make me mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmad?
I would have to pull out my spspsppspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspud? gunhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhn? then you would rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrun? rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrabbit? rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrun? rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrabbit? rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrun? rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrun? rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrun?

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44. MuhammadHajjar,

Well people: the tournament will be in the 77th of boltuary.

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45. policeman1,

Am going to arrest all the free table participants and will luck that up and throw away the keys!. Due by the leap year..

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46. Cristina ,

Hahaaha! You made me to laugh hard police.
Ok, if it is about arresting, then I will step out of this tournament, because I want to be on playroom and not in a jail.

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