Uno League, year 2015 2016 season final results.

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1. Epic_Krrish,

A very warm greetings to all, we got our first 2015 and 2016 season’s champion for the Uno league. The championship went to India, whereby, Mayank defied all odds to win the first inaugural league for this plat-form! His aponent in the finals was Basket who put up a strong show also, the match started off slow with scores being farely close through out the whole game. The match picked up pase, as it progressed. It was one of the longest final which I have witnessed, it lasted for 57 minutes and 52 seconds and for 37 rounds. After 36 rounds the scores were Mayank 535 and basket 538 and then, mayank did extremely well in round 37 and won the match with the finals scores of Mayank 544 and Basket 634. So Mayank claimed the 1st spot and basket settling for 2nd. Our 3rd place achiever was Adventure-time who beat Claudiu in the 3rd and 4th place play offs with the scores Adventure-time 247 and Claudiu 547. The winners will be contacted soon so that we can award them with their prizes.

I would like to thank all the participants who was part of this imposible journey which we started from last November, Thank-you all the participants as I always say, no events are successful without the participants. We have set a bench mark in the English part of the Playroom by staging a successful league for the popular game in the plat-form. I also like to take out this time and thank my hard working team who was there always and did their best to complete the league. Thank-you team for your continuous effort in the background and your support through the duration of the league.

Lastley, I would like to apoligise for any inconvenience caused through out the league, It was our first time in attempting this and we will all learn from our mistakes and do one step better in the next time of any organizing as such. With these words and big congratulations to mayank for being our First champion.until next time, this is Krrish signing off, cheers.

Regards, Uno league team.

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2. Raki,

Hey, Congrats Mayank!
A job well done to Basket and Adventure as well.
Thank you krrish and your organising team for the hard work you've put into this league.
Most of all, props to those of us players who put the effort in and showed up week in and week out.
See you guys next year!

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3. Fawaz,

First of all congrats to Mayank, as well to basket and the third.
secondly thanks a lot for the team for the great effert.
Had so much fun with that league.
thanks again.
best wishes.

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