User complaint!

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1. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Dear all, admins, users, helpers, translaters and all playroom users.
Hi, wish you're having a great day, and things're going well with you.
Today we're all shouldn't denide what spammers do such as the known one Abdulrahman undoubtedly. The first time, we thought he has some accounts. Started from 15 accounts, till now about 40 or more. Whenever me or my friends ban him from a table, he comes with another account.
This is getting on nervs and so rediculous and makes no sense at all. There should be a solution for that, and that's breaking playroom rules and usage conditions. I don't know what's the point when he comes with another account, and he joines our free tables meanly, without being ashamed even.
Also impudent people who joines tables and say the "F" word, followed by a name. It happened for me many times, say it and leave the table. Especially Turks who says it. And also there are Turks who joines for sexual harassment.
Block won't benefit, kick and ban also. It's so silly and not never ethical.
At leest a solution for 1 of these problems. Maybe there are users who wants to opine. I leave the tribune for them. Till my turn comes out.
Regards, Sajad Aliraqi.

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2. YNWA,

The Abdulrahman issue is a known one and as Basket said previously they ban his acounts when they are aware of them and you will read that if you look at some of the topics below this one:

I think it is wrong of you to blame all Turkish people as I know many in the playroom that are very good people and give nobody any trouble at all. I would not like it if they called us English people all troublemakers after what some of our fans did in France during Euro 2016. I hope you amend your statement above as it is not nice to label a person just because of what a few people did from their country. Personally I would get rid of Free tables as you are able to chat while listening to music and have a nice time. I know the behaviour of a small minority can be frustrating and make you angry at times but I am sure when you reflect on this later you did not mean it to comeout this way!

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3. Sajad-Aliraqi,

They are from Turkey. Then what can I say?

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4. each-and-everythinh ,

hi , i don't think he ment all turkish people are spammers , but rather he said that there are people who speak turkish at tables and spamm which is completely true. It's completely planned , me and my friend were at a table once , then 7 of them joined at the same time and were sending messages repeadetly , but , just banning them worked fine so i'm not having problems. If you think that bann is not a solution , then give a better one , because everyone knows that abdul keeps coming back but there is not much that can be done to stop him , only block , ban him and report him when you see him.

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5. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Is there any end for this match? He comes, and we report. Why there is no VPN protecter

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6. each-and-everythinh ,

because it's not possible

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7. YNWA,

For a short period we had accounts mute for the first 3 days but that went south for some unexplained reason. Of course he could still wait those 3 days but it would make things harder.

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8. each-and-everythinh ,

while it's a solution , i don't know how good it is for new users. And now the only thing we have is not creating forum topics first 3 days.

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9. abdullah.mohammad,

it's really anoying, can you do something about it admines?

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10. Lemonade,

Welcome to the internet, enjoy your stay.
This is pretty much what people can do nowadays and regretably there's no real good way to stop it. I agree with Ynwa.

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11. Raki,

Yup, agree with ynwa and everyone.
Not a big deal, just ignore and move on, trolls are everywhere on the internet.

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12. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Muting accounts is really good feature

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13. sound2,

Hi, I'm afraid there is nothing that can be done about abdull. Just ignore him, or walk away, or have a fun period of time banning. As for some turkish people that spam, spam is something you get all over the place, and not everyone is like that. I also like free tables and listening to music on them, but not everyone does, and they don't need to join if they don't want too.

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14. Daredevil,

As some said, just ignore and walk away. Don't respond to any of his messages, just act as though he's not there. I'm thankful I have no issues with anyone as most of my tables are private.

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15. Shewolf ,

but he is able to invite you, when you ban him even 1000 times a minute, you don't hear nothing just sound of invitations. Or he comes and goes comes and goes, And when he sees, that is banned and blocked, he creates another account and it repeads. During one night maybe fifty accounts.

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16. abdullah.mohammad,

that's right shewolf , so because of that we can't really ignore him , it's not that simple

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17. YNWA,

If someone has the ability to creat a squillion accounts then there is little you can do. you could have your setting to only friends can join my table. With the enlargenment of the friends list too 200 that should be enough now to have people that you would not have normally have kept on your friends list. You then could have the table message for example Euro 2016 chat, pm me to join. Yes it is not perfect as it is not good for new people you want to chat to but it is better than what you are experiencing now.

In England it would be possible to take out a court order that would make his service provider block access to the playroom but of course it does not apply to all countries unfortunately.

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18. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Some wants to meet new friends. What can they do?

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19. Raki,

What salution do you propose, it's easy to complain, but what's your salution?

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20. Sajad-Aliraqi,

VPN protecter. Or capcha image while registering

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21. WindowEyes,

@CocoaTray VPN filter is only solution wich as others all reddy said, That is not possible. But, recognizing by picture is not. a solution. Because he may make his face different, or put someone other in front of the camera. That is my apinion.

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22. YNWA,

a capture image is when you required to type in a set of numbers/letters and another one would be to work out a simple maths problem like 2 + 4 =. I know some websites will not allow people to register certain email addresses so that could be an option.

The point is if someone wants to cause trouble they will and if people want to be nice they will. I have said enough in the past about some of the attitudes you get here and the fact is I don't like their attitude I just block them.

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23. WindowEyes,

aha, he means for example write all numbers you here or other easy problems. But, problem is that, abdel does not created a spam bot to be solution.

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24. Shewolf ,

Or, and i see is really possible, we should have more helpers, who would spy on him and ban each his try of annoying a players. I don't think, that people who came here for relax want to be bothered with him and another idiots who harras and annoy people, whose don't respect and don't accept the rules not just of a person, but of whole playroom community.

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25. WindowEyes,

There is a topic called recruding helpers(informations and anouncements)

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26. gaurasuryavanshi,

hello guys. this problem with that person making millions of accounts exists from a long time. it seems that we can't do something, except to don't pay attention. I am not happy as well but what else could we do?

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27. WindowEyes,

"hello guys. this problem with that person making millions of accounts exists from a long time. it seems that we can't do something, except to don't pay attention. I am not happy as well but what else could we do?" Only that we can is to give him a chans to apologize And to have one troll less But, as others said previously, this will never happen not in abdelrohmans case. So as in post that I have wroted here, we must ignore, or simply bann him from the table and so one. But, ban is the the leest problem for him. So, you may only do what you may do before so, ignoring, blocking, and banning.
That is only that I may say.

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28. Tip-top,

I never met This Person, but Sounds Abdul is Famus spammer and There are alot of Forum Topics about Him

But There are alot of Turkish Spammers

As Other said Ignoring,Blocking, kicking , banning and reporting are The only Solutions

I Ignored many Spammers, blocked Three of Them, and everything is OK

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Последнее изменение Tip-top, 17.06.2016 00:30:11

29. WindowEyes,

Normally they alot strangers that don't kno english and spamm, but that doesn't mean that strangers are spamming? no, this may not be spamm, that may be a fight or normall dialog wich is on his/hir language and noone then don't understand him. Normally, aminiel may not add turkish language to the list because there must be a team of translators, so this may not be organized in one day. So, we must now ignore now strangers Who don't spamm?

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30. Tip-top,

No, but There are some People I won't tell Their names Here Who join and say f words Then They leave

that's What i meant

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Последнее изменение Tip-top, 17.06.2016 19:25:56

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