playing with browser

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1. tiny,

how we can play the games with our web browser with our computer?
please don't say why do you want to play such i know we have software there are some reasons. so if you know how we can do it let me to know.
thank you!

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2. bloodsharp ,

just go to the website and select play and connect

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3. tiny,

i select play but i can just see chat history cleare... i can't create games actually i can do nothing! my browser is firefox

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4. Nikola,

You should be able to see everything. It works on here.

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5. Maldalain,

What is your operating system? What is your browser? Do you have JAVA installed and enabled on your system? We need all these pieces of info to help you more.

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6. Exink,

I'm not pretty sure about if the client requires JAVA for an optimal workaround (I think it makes use of HTML5). Also if you use NVDA, you can press Insert+Spacebar to enable/disable the exploration mode or alternatively, press Insert+Z to produce a similar option in JAWS.
Kind regards.

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7. Maldalain,

Well, when I use my mac to play on the web client I need to enable Java, normally I disable it. If it is disabled, nothing appears on the screen except two or three unlabelled buttons and a chat edit box.

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