Manamon doudes, help and more.

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1. Onisama,

Hi, I saw there was a topic of manamon 2, but just for online trading and battles.
The idea is that this one would have be about the story, but you can also ask for online if you want.
Well, I'll start with the first question.

I'm in Requiem Lower Catacombs f4 and I cant find the sters to f5. I have spended too much time here but I'm still unable to got them.
Pleace help! The map is so big and confused as the rest of the area.

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2. SheWolf,

Hi, I would also appreciate help. I stuck in the Oghma studio near the cannons and i don't know to move. Don't know where to go and how to go from that studio and continue on. I would like to ask you for advice, or little guide or, if is someone willing to take my play data and take me trough that area i'll be very glad. But advice will also help. Many weeks am standing there, don't know to move. Thanks in advance. Klara

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3. Onisama,

Hi, I'm not sure if you're talking about Ogma's house or the eternity studio, so, maybe you can describe where you are... I mean, mor than near canyons.

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4. Sajad-Aliraqi,

This website has all you need. But this is the link for Manamon's section where you might find what're you looking for:

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5. SheWolf,

@onisama well am talking about eternity studio. Now, i managed to go to f3, where i took defence against of lasers and passed one passage with lot of lasers. In the north and south wall are teleporters to holes with a lot of lasers and in the middle is one safe square where will ride you moving floor. Now am standing at that square and can't move anywhere. Is there some way from there?
@Sajad-aliraqi thanks surelly will look at it. Although it is manamon2 what am talking about, but will look at it.

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6. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Manamon2 haven't tried it. But take a look into it, it might be a bit of a help

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