happy knew year, everyone.

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1. ImperialShocktrooper,

welcome to the official new year 2021 topic, or something lol. anyways, i'm just here to wish everyone a happy knew year, and may this year bring us all hope and joy, and love. happy knew year, guys!

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2. godfather,

Happy new year! Last year was challenging, fun but not in such a good way :). Here's hoping for a better and more peaceful and normal, year. We could all use that I think

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3. YNWA,

I agree I hope 2021 will be a better new year for everybody. Some of 2020 was great but some of it was not.

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4. sodanisavit01 ,

Hello all! I wish you the biggest slice of happyness, fun, enjoyment. A very happy new year to the playroom staf and all its members!.
I hope that all have got a relief
from the disaster year 2020. You can call this year a year of problems.

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5. anonymous ,

Happy new year everyone! May this year be filled with prosperity and good health for everyone.

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6. phoenix009,

Happy new year everyone! Let's just hope this year doesn't suck quite as much as last year xd.

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7. Mastani ,

Happy New Year! Have a wonderful year!

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8. unolover,

happy new year to all off u hope your year is better and lots off joy and happyness and turniments

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