What do you hate the most about being blind?

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Skor: +9

1. TheDreamer,

Hi, people.
This question randomly came to my mind, and, how I don't have actually who to ask this, decided to post here so yeah LOL.
So, what do you hate the most about being blind?
For me, I hate having to deppend on others in a lot of stuff, like for example driving. I don't know, I'd like to be able to drive my own car, with the music I want at the volume I want, etc.
Also, I hate asking for help, no idea why. But you sometimes, as a human gotta do it, more so as a blind person.
I could go on for quite a while about the things I don't like, but, for sure they will be mentioned here, so yeah. I don't want to use this as my personal frustration journal :D.
So, tell me about you, please!

Skor: +0

2. lucy_light,

Hello! Well, I hate almost the same things regarding myself, but there are also other aspects regarding people, such as the questions I mentioned in my topic. I understand lack of information, we are a minority, people are not interested and informed, but ignorance is killing me.

Skor: +1

3. gemmi,

here, I must agree with diana. I also wana go on a long drive alone.

Skor: +0

4. Abhishek ,

I hate to ask for any help.
also, i always likes to write my exam on my own. i hate to write exam with scribe.
well lot's of things comes in normal life, which are so hateable. rofl

Skor: +0

5. godfather,

You shouldn't have to use a scribe if you don't want to. Feel free to reach out if this is a problem. I'm a firm promoter of inclusivity and recently passed out of an educational institution from the country which I'm guessing, you're from as well. I wrote all my exams independently with the helpof a computer.

Skor: +0

6. Eithan,

I actually agree with the driving part, but I honestly have a much larger thing that eats at me. Not trying to sound weird, but I wish I can experience color and actually get to look at the stuff nature provides. Like constellations. I have an innate...I don't know how to put it. Feel? for colors now, so that's something. Sounds embarrassing, now that I mentioned it out in the open like that, but yeah. LOL.

As for examinations, you very much don't have to write with a scribe as an assistant. If you have a special needs department or an inclusion center, you should definitely encourage them to look at having you write on a computer, or at the very least, a loaned note taker device from their own office, if they want to put safeguards against other blind people cheating in their exams.

I managed to actually start that in my university and it was very gratifying to see the special needs office move from scribes to giving students the spare note taker devices they possess in order to take tests.


Skor: +0

7. mohitarya,

whats a note taker?

Skor: +1

8. godfather,

Brailnote things. We have themhere as well but they are not super common. Mostply people use laptops in schools as well.

Skor: +0

9. NorwegianHeart ,

Well, I might be paranoyed but I feel everyone is staring at me. I feel everyone wants to hurt me. Suppose if I go shopping with someone. The people may ask my guide the questions about me. Like what she wants, what she needs and so on. It hurts. Also I hate the word blind which sounds quite offensive in my language.

Skor: +0

10. sound2,

For me I wouldn't use hate. I just feel vulnerable sometimes. And yes how people treat you. Sometimes I even forget that I'm blind. The need to see colour and look at the stars has never bothered me. Sometimes I do wonder more out of curiosity.

Skor: +0

11. codbro,

one of the worste things about it is the people talking to other people when your there thing

Skor: +0

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