Playroom client 3.0 beta

353 messages, 12 pages:  1 2 3; 12 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +5

1. Aminiel,


Here is the beta of the new Playroom client version 3.0.

As all software in beta, this version isn't yet fully finalized. It still contains bugs, and isn't yet meant to replace the current version 2.2.8.

If you are comfortable enough with computers, you are kindly invited to test it and give feedback about what works and what doesn't.
However, if you aren't very comfortable with computers, you are advised to wait for the final 3.0 version. No support will be given to install or get started with beta versions.

Note that all beta versions will be quickly blocked as soon as we don't need them any longer and/or got enough significant feedback to continue our work, in order for tests and feedback to be better targeted, and to make sure that you always have the very latest version.
Note also that beta versions are said portable. There's no installer, you must extract yourself the downloaded archive in order to run the executable application of the playroom.

Your comments, remarks, bug reports concerning all 3.0 beta have to be made in this topic.
Please centralize all feedback here on this topic rather than create a new topic for each new problem found, in order to be efficient and to avoid generating useless additional work.

Version 2.99.49

Download here:

Changelog 2.99.46:
- Starting new beta phase with installer and auto-updates

Changelog 2.99.44:

  • Fixed context menu Shift+F10 in history zone
  • Fixed various malfunctionnings when the beta was run from a directory containing spaces and accented characters

Changelog 2.99.43:

  • Fixed audio issue where a sound wasn't played in the correct soundcard after a change in configuration
  • Uno and monopoly: suppressed superfluous spaces that could break speech synthesis pronunciation in some cases
  • Uno: fixed table saving/restoring while a player is in the color selection menu
  • Uno: rule "skip after drawing cards" wasn't indicated when pressing R if that rule was activated
  • Minor fixes in following games: rami, chess, bouillabaisse, monopoly, jass, hearts

Changelog 2.99.42:

  • Chess: the playroom sometimes allowed castling when it's normally forbidden
  • Chess: fixed false positives and false negatives in chess mate detection
  • Chess: fixed crash with Stockfish in certain situations
  • Improved crash protection to prevent chess and Go engine crashes from also taking off the playroom in the process
  • Trial to fix application icon
  • Update BASS library to version 2.4.16

Changelog 2.99.41:

  • Go and chess: the other player has now to approve move cancellation
  • Go: fixed bugs when playing with a bot
  • Trying to fix visual bug with High DPI screens

Changelog 2.99.40:

  • Fixed crash when sorting cards in uno
  • Added Ctrl+Z in Go and chess. You can undo up to 5 moves in Go. Warning, stats of games with undone moves won't be counted.
  • Games with two bots in Go and chess are now blocked
  • Added icon for the application

Changelog 2.99.39:

  • Fixed letter navigation that didn't work anymore after a tooltip is shown
  • Fixed focus problem when coming back to playroom window by Alt+Tab
  • Fixes for Go and chess

Changelog 2.99.38:

  • Fixed message reading when changing screen reader
  • Fixed focus problems in the embedded web view with NVDA
  • New option to enable/disable embedded web view in reading/appearence
  • IN the embedded web view, Ctrl+N or Shift+Enter on a link opens it in the default browser
  • Improved chess mate detection
  • PGN import support

Changelog 2.99.37:

  • Added bots in chess with stockfish engine
  • Added Go game
  • Added narrator support under windows 10
  • Fixed double reading (NVDA) or incomplete reading (Jaws) on the first and last menu list element
  • Added application icon

Changelog 2.99.36:

  • Fixed bug about some particular messages in the history, which make screen readers to crash
  • Added a periodic clean up of the history to struggle against slowdowns due to a too long history. To keep more messages, use the save history to file feature.
  • Fixed visual issues about scrolling and tooltips in the menu list, and other visual fixes

Changelog 2.99.35:

  • The tiny checkbox sound is back and working
  • Ctrl+Backspace to remove a word is back in the chat box
  • The clear history option is back in the history context menu
  • Insert+Ctrl+V shortcut of Jaws to announce version information is now working
  • Visual fixes

Changelog 2.99.34:

  • Left/right arrow keys now work to go to next/previous card suit
  • IN rami, the sound indicating that a card has been taken from the table is back
  • The problem introduced in last beta concerning reversi AI is solved, and the AI has been optimized
  • Chat text field is again announced correctly by Jaws, but Ctrl+Backspace no longer work
  • Menu list scroll has been improved
  • Restore default settings is now working

Changelog 2.99.33

  • Fixed Ctrl+Backspace to delete a word in MP and forum multiline input box
  • Improved reversi AI
  • Fixed bug in history report sendings
  • Fixed issue with streams when leaving or saving a table
  • Visual fixes

Changelog 2.99.32

  • History saving works again
  • Fixed a focus problem with the chat zone when the menu list is updated
  • Windows 10 dark mode is now taken into account
  • Other visual fixes
  • Officially abandonned support of windows XP and vista

Changelog 2.99.30:

  • Keys F10 and Shift+F10 sometimes were activating the system menu
  • Numpad enter key works again (it opened the language menu)
  • Keys F1-F12 and Ctrl+letter work again in chat and history zones
  • Keeping keys such as previous/next/play/pause/stop/volume/mail/browser/search pressed no longer trigger anti-flood protection
  • Activating the icon in the taskbar worked with Jaws, but not with NVDA
  • Activating the window from the taskbar or when it was minimized was sometimes done incompletely, i.e. focus cursor wasn't really in the window
  • Fade out of audio streams is back when leaving a table
  • Changing volume from menus no longer make bizarre and/or infinite sound
  • About dialog box is now also reachable from system menu and from taskbar menu

Changelog 2.99.29:

  • Restored secure SSL/TLS connection, using library OpenSSL instead of LibreTLS.
  • Volume settings: from now on, key F6, F7 and F8 are used to change volume. F6 to choose streams/notifications/sounds, F7 to make lower and F8 to make louder. F5 is no longer used.
  • The following shortcuts have changed: Shift+F6 open audio settings, Shift+F7 stop all sounds, Shift+F8 toggle auto reading of incoming messages
  • Auto connect on startup option, allowing to automatically connect to the playroom directly, skipping the connection dialog box
  • Reduce to taskbar option, allowing the playroom to be placed in notification bar instead of quitting it when pressing Alt+F4
  • Service status button in the connection dialog box. This button opens a web page indicating if the playroom correctly works, or if we currently encounter general server, infrastructure or network issue, as those we recently got with our host OVH. These informations will help you, in case you have difficulties connecting, whether the problem is on your or on our side, and will allow you to follow what's going on in case of big outage.
  • Added a split bar allowing to adjust, using the mouse, the size of the two zones history/menu list. Space sharing is automatically adjusted following the size of the window.
  • Improved graphics for the games where there are: chess, connect4, reversi, backgammon, battleship
  • Chat text field now allow to paste texte containing multiple lines
  • Update BASS audio library to 2.4.15, adding support and fixing bugs for several headphones and soundcards. Using WASAPI by default under windows 7, 8 and 10, possibility to switch back to DirectSound in case of problems with WASAPI.
  • Preparations for the next great revolution to come (code. armode/5a)

Score: +3

Last edited by Aminiel, Mar 27 2021 13:29:01

2. void-emperer,

it's fast about sending packets to the server, But I've noticed a bit of lagg with the gui, For example go to the friends list and press up arrow for a tun of time you'll notice that when it hits the edge it laggs unlike older versions, Maybe because wx, But i honestly like this one, Good work, And I'm happy about that i can finally paste multiline text into the chat input, Lol I were waiting this this for ages hahah.
oh and also, I've noticed this while switching languages, It shows this, System subMenu Space, It's maybe not a big deal, But thought to comment about it as well, Will edit my post If i noticed any buggs or such.

Score: -2

Last edited by void-emperer, Mar 27 2021 13:44:48

3. Sanatan,

I'm also using the beta client and I haven't noticed any lag while pressing up arrow multiple times in a list.
A thing i'd like to point out though that pressing escape key in the menu brings up the options menu of a table, which we get from applications key.
I'll post more stuff if I find them, good work with the client! It works blazingly fast!
Best regards,

Score: -1

4. Naday,

OK, so when playing uno whenever I draw a card it is not read, even if I press right arrows. No clue if it can be set in the settings, for now just saying what I see. Otherwise, and nothing new actually, the client is amazingly fast! Love it.

Edit: It actually works, when I draw a card it's read, but a fact is that I was used on pressing the right arrow to read the card again. Also no clue what interrupts the reading of it since I guess this is the reason why I thought it was not working. Will check if I can change it in the settings otherwhise it is actually okay.

Score: +0

Last edited by Naday, Mar 27 2021 14:23:31

5. void-emperer,

Yeah, Now I've noticed that it doesn't happen except for the friends list and it's not that laggy anyway but it's noticeable, It maybe require a big list but not sure, But I asked a friend and he said that he has noticed it as well so I'm sure it's not something only on my end

Score: +0

6. bash,

the client is blazingly fast! good work! one issue I face is that numpad enter does not work in for example the menu you get by f9 and f10, or any other menu for that matter.

Score: +0

Last edited by bash, Mar 27 2021 14:49:35

7. Nikola,

first, thank you very much for your work, playing Uno with this version is just amazing and comparing to the old version, it's much more responsive.
Now, for some feedback:

  1. Minimizing to the system tray. I like this feature, but first of all, when you press alt f4, at least NVDA still thinks that the Playroom window is in Focus until you manually alt tab away, though I've seen this in Discord as well so it might be a bug you can't really fix. However, when pressing enter on the tray icon, nothing happens. You have to open the context menu and choose restore.
  2. Sound volumes. When going to options, then audio and vocal synthesis, and focusing one of the audio streams, then pressing right and left to adjust the volume, a cool little tune plays. The only problem is that this tune doesn't stop even if you get out of the options menu and stop adjusting the volume.
  3. While you are in the friends list, it's impossible to use other shortcuts such as F3 to toggle spectator mode, or as far as I've noticed F2 and F4 as well.
  4. Focus jumping around. Try the following: Open any list like your list of friends, or even the list of games when pressing create a new table. Focus on a game like Scopa. Alt tab away from the Playroom window and come back. You'll notice the focus is now on something entirely different, in my case Quiz party.

Those are the 4 main things, I'll check back after testing some more. There is a strange issue that I can't reliably reproduce, after going to the history edit field, sometimes your focus jumps randomly a few lines back instead of being at the bottom, but since I don't use this too much it's not a huge problem for me.
Thanks once again for the huge speed increase, that alone makes the beta so much better!

Score: +2

8. phoenix009,

Woooooooow! I love the speed of this thing!

Score: +0

9. Sanatan,

I've noticed a few more things:

  1. After testing the menus, the lag in bigger menus for example in the online list of everyone is noticeable. The list took a bit time to load as well. My friend list containing over 125 items didn't have this issue.
  2. Pressing left/right arrow on a menu item for a few seconds crashes the client.
  3. A suggestion I'd like to give regarding volume handling. A method to decrease/increase volume in the counter of 10% will be nice, as we currently have to continuously press the f7/f8 key to decrease/increase volume.

Score: +0

10. free-flying-bird,

Hi, 3 things right away.

  1. Please please, have a portable installer of the final release. Some of us have multiple devices, and the idea of sharing one QC folder on something like oneDrive, and syncing settings between machines, sounds lovely.
  2. I have also noticed lag spikes, mainly noticeable in the reading and appearance section in the options menu.
  3. It would seem as if up and down arrow still seems to delete text written in the chat box, not sure if that has been touched at all?
  4. Other than that, everything seems to be working neat. :)

Score: +0

11. Shell,

Wonderful work! Love this new beta its amazingly fast. A bug that I found out is that if you hit numpad enter in the menu list when its empty, you get a choose language menu and all the choices seem to be checkboxes.

Score: +1

12. Nikola,

I've noticed that lag too, but it happens only in large lists, and at least for me, is something that can barely be noticed and doesn't really affect the usability. For such a huge speed increase, in my opinion it's worth it.
Left / right arrow thing is probably standard, holding any key that sends data to the server will crash it to prevent server spam. Unless you mean you weren't really holding or quickly pressing it, in which case I haven't encountered this so far.

I have a small question, will it ever be possible to modify the client sounds again or you plan to keep it encripted like this? I have a little specific requirement when it comes to modifying one sound so I was just wondering.

Score: +1

13. yoko_ono,

Hi. I have a little problem, when I try to connect I see this error: error dialog Protocol error #6

Score: +0

14. Robert-smith,

hi; when I try to change the audio output, I get the following error:
[Window Title]
wxWidgets Debug Alert

[Main Instruction]
A debugging check in this application has failed.

../../src/common/menucmn.cpp(311): assert "wxIsStockID(GetId())" failed in SetItemLabel(): A non-stock menu item with an empty label?

[ ] Don't show this dialog again [Stop] [Continue]

Score: +0

15. Naday,

Another small problem I found. When you are in the "change your status message" option and you change it, after pressing enter it will focus in the option below, which is "open forum".

Score: +0

16. Nikola,

By the way, armode = arcade mode, 5a=5 ans. Am I right?
If so, looking forward to what you come up with!
Anyway, I wanted to write here about the service status button. At present, this doesn't really work well with NVDA at all, at least if you are not relatively decent when it comes to screen reader usage. When pressing the service status button, according to the debug file, the client tries to perform a click at some part of the screen, which doesn't work very reliably at all because on my PC, some other window typically opens up, right now it's Windows security from the defender tray icon. I get why you are trying to do this though, the WX webview doesn't get focused properly at all with screen readers, so you have to use the screen reader review commands to click it manually and then you can read the page normally.
I was wondering though why not just open the page in your default browser? Seems like less trouble and easier for all users.
Thanks for the beta, it's really great so far.

Score: +1

17. FromUnknownReality ,

What is arcade mode?

Score: +0

18. console,

Almost all the keys except for a few like control, shift, caps lock, etc, when pressed for a long duration, crash playroom.
They may be intentional though.

Score: +0

19. Nikola,

This was always the case, however, it appears the duration is now even shorter. They don't exactly crash it, it's only a server spam prevention feature as far as I remember.

Score: +1

20. Sanatan,

I've noticed a bug in the beta client.
Pressing escape in the login page of client gives this error and the client stops working.

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program: C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\qcgc.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.



Score: +1

21. anonymous ,

hello, this new beta version is just awesome with regards of its speed and improved functionality! Good job!

Score: +0

22. Nikola,

Escape works for me, but if I press escape, then try launching the client again, I get this error:
[Window Title]
QCGCWX30 Error

Failed to create connection to server 'QCGCWX30.sock' on topic 'QCGCWX30 .ipc': a client's attempt to establish a conversation has failed.

Launching it again works normally though.
Edit: A minor detail, when leaving a table with a stream playing, the audio no longer nicely fades out, it just stops. It does however when pressing ctrl P to stop it.

Score: +1

Last edited by Nikola, Mar 28 2021 16:17:52

23. Aminiel,


Thank you for your feedback.

For your next reports, please be as precise as you can, and avoid repeating several times the same thing.

when pressing enter on the tray icon, nothing happens. You have to open the context menu and choose restore.

This will be fixed in 2.99.30.

Sound volumes. When going to options, then audio and vocal synthesis, and focusing one of the audio streams, then pressing right and left to adjust the volume, a cool little tune plays. The only problem is that this tune doesn't stop even if you get out of the options menu and stop adjusting the volume.

This will be fixed in 2.99.30.

While you are in the friends list, it's impossible to use other shortcuts such as F3 to toggle spectator mode, or as far as I've noticed F2 and F4 as well.

This will be fixed in 2.99.30.

if you hit numpad enter in the menu list when its empty, you get a choose language menu

This will be fixed in 2.99.30. Numpad enter will always behave like normal enter.

Anyway, I wanted to write here about the service status button. At present, this doesn't really work well with NVDA at all, at least if you are not relatively decent when it comes to screen reader usage. When pressing the service status button, according to the debug file, the client tries to perform a click at some part of the screen, which doesn't work very reliably at all because on my PC, some other window typically opens up,

Interesting. I would need a few lines of debug.txt to investigate more.

I've noticed a bug in the beta client. Pressing escape in the login page of client gives this error and the client stops working.

Interesting. I would need the debug.txt to investigate more.

will it ever be possible to modify the client sounds again or you plan to keep it encripted like this?

Sounds will remain encrypted, but some users have already found how to work around it without decrypting.
I don't know well yet if I'm going to become more strict or not.

Score: +1

24. Nikola,

@aminiel ok, here is what happens when using the service status button if it's any help:
DoMagicClick: client pos = 0, 0, 640, 480
DoMagicClick: screen pos = 261, 232, 640, 480
Document loaded in 139ms

After this, the one drive icon is the one that gained focus, which was again present in my system tray. I could alt tab back to the Playroom window, but NVDA would just say WX web view, and then I would have to do as I already described above, use object navigation to focus the document and simulate a mous click to be able to navigate it.
I haven't tried this with Jaws, maybe it's better...
Let me know if any further information is needed, I can also upload the full debug file if that's better.

About the sounds, yes, I've realized the workaround shortly after writing that message and modified the sound I need, then wanted to report as a bug, but since you already know about it that's even better. I hope that some general sounds can be modified by the user, even if you want to keep certain parts more strict.

As a last thing to conclude this post, I wanted to ask about the new checkboxes. Generally everything works as expected, but I think you should still return the little click noise when an item is checked.
I'll give a concrete example where this is useful. In Hearts, when discarding cards in the first phase of the game, it's much faster to hear a click while focusing a card and know the card is checked, than it is to hear something like "2 of hearts, checkbox checked."
I don't mind if it stays as it is saying that it's checked as well, but having a sound too would make it more efficient.

Edit: I don't know if there were any changes on your side, but curiously enough, today I can't reproduce this service status issue anymore. The page focuses correctly after activating the button.
Also, I've noticed the rules for games also open in the client directly, this also works without focus issues so far.

Score: +1

Last edited by Nikola, Mar 28 2021 20:22:59

25. Dain ,

Hi @Aminiel, could you allow soundpacks? It really brings a lot of customization and can make the experience more comfortable as there are some sounds that some people don't like. There are many people who went to great lengths to make soundpacks. And a mistake, when pressing very quickly enter, for example, in farcle, the client sometimes closes, although it does not happen as much as in the stable version 2.2.8.
Would it be possible to go back to the 30 forum posts? I know that now you have the options to change the page, but it is going a bit slow.

Score: +0

26. unolover,

wen should i update

Score: +0

27. Sanatan,

Hello @aminiel,
Here's the log and the errors I got. The log didn't mention anything related to the errors, I hope it helps.
===Log started on 2021-03-29 08:21:02
userDir = C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\QCGCWX30
userLocalDir = C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\QCGCWX30
appDir = C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta
Found datafile in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\sounds.dat
Datafile C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\sounds.dat successfully opened
Initializing SSL configuration...
Couldn't find SSSL trust store file truststore.pem
Loading user config...
Configuration found in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\config.ini
Initializing locale...
Locale configured to 'en_GB', found in wxWidgets = true
Locale configured to 'en_GB'
Loading translations...
Loading translation module: client...
Translation module client for locale en found in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\
Opening datafile C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\
Opening in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\
Reading in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\ in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\ read (6784 bytes)
Translation module client loaded from in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\
Initializing UniversalSpeech...
NVDA detected, but unable to get its version
UniversalSpeech initialized: engineID=2, engine=NVDA, subengine=0, language=0, voice=0, volume=0, pitch=0, rate=0, inflexion=0
Initializing BASS audio...
Initializing BASS default device using WASAPI
Info for device 1: latency=25, freq=44100, speakers=2, dsVersion=9, minBuffer=11, hasEAX=false, freq range = 0-0, hwMem=0/0, hwFreeSamples=0, hwFree3D=0, initFlags=0X104, capFlags=0
Default stream audio buffer set to 43ms
BASS Error 23 (Invalid device specified)
Found 4 available devices; default=1
Device 0=No sound
Device 1=Default
Device 2=Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Device 3=Headphones (High Definition Audio Device)
Initializing device 1 (default) for sound.device
Device 1 (default) for sound.device is already initialized
Initializing device 1 (default) for notifications.device
Device 1 (default) for notifications.device is already initialized
Initializing device 1 (default) for streams.device
Device 1 (default) for streams.device is already initialized
Loading BASS plugin bass_aac...
Loading BASS plugin bassflac...
Loading BASS plugin bassopus...
Loading BASS plugin basswma...
Loading BASS plugin basswv...
Loading BASS plugin bassmodplug...
Loading BASS plugin basshls...
BASS audio initialized and configured
Initializing main window GUI...
Loading image resources images.dat
Found image resources file in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\images.dat
Loaded 55 images resources (7326 bytes)
Window size = 819, 614
log area pos = 0, 0, 401, 548
menu list pos = 405, 0, 398, 548
Initialized main window GUI
Loading sample welcome...
Joystick input supported
Sample welcome found in datafile
Connection dialog dismissed
===Log started on 2021-03-29 08:21:13
userDir = C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\QCGCWX30
userLocalDir = C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\QCGCWX30
appDir = C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta
Found datafile in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\sounds.dat
Datafile C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\sounds.dat successfully opened
Initializing SSL configuration...
Couldn't find SSSL trust store file truststore.pem
Loading user config...
Configuration found in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\config.ini
Initializing locale...
Locale configured to 'en_GB', found in wxWidgets = true
Locale configured to 'en_GB'
Loading translations...
Loading translation module: client...
Translation module client for locale en found in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\
Opening datafile C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\
Opening in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\
Reading in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\ in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\ read (6784 bytes)
Translation module client loaded from in C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\lang\
Initializing UniversalSpeech...
NVDA detected, but unable to get its version
UniversalSpeech initialized: engineID=2, engine=NVDA, subengine=0, language=0, voice=0, volume=0, pitch=0, rate=0, inflexion=0
Initializing BASS audio...
Initializing BASS default device using WASAPI
Info for device 1: latency=25, freq=44100, speakers=2, dsVersion=9, minBuffer=11, hasEAX=false, freq range = 0-0, hwMem=0/0, hwFreeSamples=0, hwFree3D=0, initFlags=0X104, capFlags=0
Default stream audio buffer set to 43ms
BASS Error 23 (Invalid device specified)
Found 4 available devices; default=1
Device 0=No sound
Device 1=Default
Device 2=Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Device 3=Headphones (High Definition Audio Device)
Initializing device 1 (default) for sound.device
Device 1 (default) for sound.device is already initialized
Initializing device 1 (default) for notifications.device
Device 1 (default) for notifications.device is already initialized
Initializing device 1 (default) for streams.device
Device 1 (default) for streams.device is already initialized
Loading BASS plugin bass_aac...
Loading BASS plugin bassflac...
Loading BASS plugin bassopus...
Loading BASS plugin basswma...
Loading BASS plugin basswv...
Loading BASS plugin bassmodplug...
Loading BASS plugin basshls...
BASS audio initialized and configured

The errors I got:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program: C:\Users\user\Downloads\qcgc-v3-beta\qcgc.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.


The second error is the same as nikola's but I was unable to reproduce it again.

Score: +0

28. Nikola,

I have a few reports and comments:

  1. Maybe this isn't implemented yet, but the restore default configuration option currently doesn't do anything when activated.
  2. In addition to all the standard keys that disconnect you when you hold them for a short period of time, in V3, holding a volume button will also cause you to disconnect. V2 allowed the multymedia keys to be held down without closing.

Slightly Off topic, but the option to avoid displaying certain channels in the history is extremely useful. I really hope you are planning to bring this one to the web client as well, especially for phones, it would be extremely useful to hide global messages from the history.
It might also not be a bad idea to make the messages when a player suddenly disconnects and reconnects not go into the global messages view. At least I personally always keep this one muted because I'm not really interested to hear about people creating and leaving tables, especially on the English server it can be quite noisy.

Score: +0

29. Epic_Krrish,

Hello, i got a bug in yahtzee. the table master is not able to close the manue after checking the groups which needs to be filled. but this somehow works after saving and restore!

Score: +0

30. James_Ketchup ,

not sure if this would be considered a bug or not but it seems like you can't toggle between spectator mode in the table selection menu. That menu being where you can see all the currentopen tables.

Score: +0

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