Life as a blind person. Tips, tricks...

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Score: +13

61. Fawaz,

Liquid Indicator is one of the best thing I've ever purchased. it costs like 9 dollars. Just try to get it if you can afford it, you wouldn't think about putting your fingers in the drinks again.
Other methods may work yes, but it depends on the material etc. I have seen coffee cups where you wouldn't feel the tempriture from the outside.
But before I had one, I used those methods too.

Score: +2

62. Aayushi_the_explorer,

whenever I go to functions its like bufay we have to hold the plate wile standing and eat our food. Its not possible for me to hold the plate and look at the foods in the plate. is there a way for this problem mostly I have to ask for a table its inconviniont for others as tables are not available.

Score: +0

63. thanh12,


Score: +0

64. Shell,

@Aayushi Yeah it's annoying; I use one hand to hold plate other to explore, though then you can't hold anyone you have to let others guide you around. I guess I'm more used to it because these types of functions happen a lot in our country yes but even more so in my culture like every wedding will have something like this going on. That plus walking around in crouds with the plate in your hand, noisy crouds. So I'm used to it at this point. Honestly this isn't even as much of a blind thing. Like sure people can see what's on the plate, but they will still have to use a spoon or hand to eat the food and the other to hold it so it's mostly the same I think. They may have an easier time walking though since they know what's around them but for that especially in such areas since they are usually full of people you can estimate what's (or who's) in front of you, and walk slowly and carefully. Whenever you can get assistance; do so.

Score: +0

65. Aayushi_the_explorer,

thanks for your sujestions and ideas

Score: +0

Last edited by Aayushi_the_explorer, yesterday 13:33

66. Aayushi_the_explorer,

how do you explore the mall mostly I get lost when the mall has 3 or 4 flors. How do you find a shop like if you want to buy shoos I mostly get lost. and the axelators and lift are placed in a confusing manor. which one goes up and down its hard to figure out.

Score: +0

67. Emerald,

You need to get sighted help first. Mostly have someone explain how the place is located and where is where like the shoe shop is on the ground floor next to a flower shop. Then make landmarks using different senses. If it’s next to flowers and on the left side you will know to stay on the left, and you could say, smell the flowers s. Shoe shops normally have a specific smell of new shoes but not all. You could also listen out to see if you reconize music, sounds etc.
Its how you map things in your head and good cane skills.

Score: +0

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