Let's share cool AI (en curso)

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1. davidhs1200,

hy. For those who don't know artificial intelligence (AI) is very well known and perfected every moment in the world, and if I hadn't been a great researcher, I wouldn't have been able to discover so many cool platforms that I use on a daily basis. I created this discussion so that anyone who knows any cool or useful platform or AI software can share it here and contribute knowledge to others who don't know this topic and can experiment with the tools you write about here. So I'll start. character.ai is a platform where you can build a character and chat with it. It can be any kind of character, for example an object, a famous figure, a figure from politics, books and anything you imagine. So I hope this discussion has been filled with messages that describe cool and useful tools that we can learn together about this huge topic

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2. Aayushi_the_explorer,

pi.ai, chatgpt, google bard, copilet and be my ai windows version, smarton app ai.

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Última edición por Aayushi_the_explorer, 13.06.2024 16:26:15

3. StormProductions,

For music generation, Udio, SunoAI, for realistic TTS we have ElevenLabs which will soon launch a music generator too.

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4. john_smith,

elevenlabs also released a sound generator recently, also they also do voice2voice

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5. Elinoria,

One AI website I really enjoy using is called Lovo AI.

I can't say I love their standard voices, but their pro voices are pretty realistic.

My favorite voice on that platform is Chloe Woods.

This voice is good for audio books.

It is fun to use this voice to read stories back to me that I have written in my free time.

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6. john_smith,

Ok so anyone here seen websim.ai? It's a cool AI thing that allows AI to build websites just by entering a URL. The link is just websim.aiand it' completely free for now

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7. Elinoria,

What are some of the limitations to websites.ai?

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8. john_smith,

Not sure. It just launched recently. Everything is AI generated though apart from you typing in the URL

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9. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Guys, for me right now Claude 3.5 is much more intelligent and safer than ChatGPT4O model. You will be amazed by how fast it generates and how precise it is even when using the free plan. Check it out on claude.ai
11labs will releace a music generator AI but I have no clue when it's gonna be out. All I know is, from what I heard from examples, it's going to beat the hell out of Suno and Udio because of the quality and realism it has. They recently posted examples on their Twitter/X account you can look up

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10. aakash,

also websim.ai creates a virtual internet. you can type whatever in the url field and it will create an interactable website.
you can try just anything. like world-is-dying.com/. you have to be creative. I agree that claude 3.5 is way better than gpt4-o, but it lacks realtime vision kapabilities, realtime conversations, etc.
soon be my eyes going to integrate gpt4-o application, not sure when it will come to public, but the demos posted by open AI and be my eyes were impressive to me. here is the link for those who didn't saw that demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwNUJ69RbwY&ab_channel=OpenAI

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Última edición por aakash, lunes 16:39

11. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I wonder why the voice model has delayed. It's been over a month since we got to know the new vvoice model by OpenAI for ChatGPT4O and still not out to the public

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12. Emrah20,

I use OpenWINO AI for Audacity. It has various cool effects, one is music generation, other music separation ETC.

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13. aakash,

yeah open AI keep saying we would role out soon, but their soon never came.
some updates say that it will role out in late of july to pro users first.
free users will as usual get limited access.

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